Ben Lindsey (jurist)

Benjamin Barr Lindsey (November 25, 1869 - March 26, 1943) was an American judge and social reformer based in Denver, Colorado during the Progressive Era.



Benjamin Barr Lindsey was born in Jackson, Tennessee. He was educated in the public schools at Jackson and at Notre Dame, Indiana. His father, Landy Tunstall Lindsey, committed suicide when Ben was 18, leaving him the sole support of his mother and her three younger children. He obtained employment in a real-estate office in Denver, Colorado, where he studied law in his spare time. In despair over his slow progress in his law studies, he attempted suicide, but his gun misfired. In 1894, he entered the practice of law in Denver. In his work, he was often assisted by his wife Henrietta, whom he had married in 1914.[1]

One of the pioneers in the establishment of the American juvenile court system, he was appointed to a vacancy in the county court in 1900. Through his efforts, an act was passed creating a juvenile court in Denver which represented an important advance in relation of the law to children. Lindsey was made judge of the juvenile court in 1901. He held the position continuously, but he was not endorsed by either political party in 1908. Under his administration, the juvenile court of Denver became famous throughout the civilized world.

Among other measures to which Judge Lindsey contributed his influence were a reform of the registration law, greatly reducing election frauds; a reform of the ballot; state provisions for the support of the dependents of persons serving in prison; extension of the probation system for prisoners; organization of public baths and playgrounds in Denver;the institution of the fresh-air movement in Denver and enactment of state-wide Mother's Pension Law.

He was a leader in the movement to abolish child labor. He carried on an active propaganda for the general adoption of the juvenile court plan, and for political and social reform, through lectures delivered in many American and foreign cities and through the publication of books and pamphlets, of which The Beast (with Harvey J. O'Higgins, 1910) was widely circulated. In 1906, Judge Lindsey was a candidate for Governor of Colorado, and in 1912 became a member of the Progressive National Committee.


In early 1927, Judge Lindsey co-wrote a controversial book about what he called "companionate marriage," in which he suggested that young men and women should be able to live together in a trial marriage, where the couple could have a year to assess whether or not they were compatible. The only caveat was they had to agree not to have children. If after a year, the couple decided to stay together, it could do so, but if the relationship was not working out, it would be able to dissolve the relationship easily. Also, if they decided they were compatible and did want children, they could change the status of their relationship to a traditionally understood marriage ("Lindsey Urges Marriage For Companionship." Chicago Tribune, 12 January 1927, p. 3).

Since one of the most common discourses in the popular culture was about women having children, and many clergy believed that sexual intercourse within marriage should only be for purposes of procreation, Judge Lindsey’s essay aroused strong emotions; a number of priests and ministers, as well as civic leaders accused him of promoting immorality, promiscuity and free love, charges that he denied ("Judge Lindsey Denies Advocating Free Love." New York Times, 31 January 1927, p. 11). At one point, even the Pope spoke out against him ("Pope Excoriates Birth Control And Companionate Marriage." Atlanta Constitution, 9 January 1931, p. 1). In Denver, he was ousted from the bench, after 28 years of service. Time expressed the view that his views on companionate marriage had destroyed his reputation. [2] Judge Lindsey continued to defend his views on radio and in a series of speaking engagements. [3]

Later Years

Judge Lindsey appeared as himself in the film The Soul of Youth (1920), directed by William Desmond Taylor, and in Judge Ben Lindsey in the Juvenile Court (1921), the latter film made in the experimental Photokinema sound-on-disc process.

In 1931, he ran for, and won election to a judgeship in the California Superior Court. He also continued his advocacy for children in the juvenile justice system. He died in Los Angeles of a heart attack, at age 73. [4]


Further reading


  1. ^ see [1]

External links